
'Opposite Souls' Ch.2 - Sheriv

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Chapter 2

"Damn it, Spike! I'm just trying to help you!"

The blonde glared up at him, still from the other side of the room where he had fled to, knife gripped tightly in one hand. "I can do it myself." Don't touch me! "I don't need any help." Why must you be so nice!

The Soldier sighed, collapsing back into a chair and burying his face in one hand. He absently placed the roll of gauze he held onto the little table that stood beside the chair. Two fucking months of this already. He peered at the other boy through his fingers, watching as the younger of the two slunk cautiously towards the kitchen area, acting like a whipped dog or a wild animal. The apartment was designed to be open and spacious. A long counter, that also served as a table, was all that divided the kitchen from the livingroom. The kitchen connected to an outer balcony and attached to the eastern end of the living room lay the bathroom and the two bedrooms at the western side of the livingroom. The kitchen was on the northern side of the livingroom, with the entrance into the entire place at the southern end of the livingroom.

The sound of running water issued as Cloud held a washcloth under the flow to get it wet. A hiss left him as he dabbed at the jagged cut that ran down his upper right arm, working up his nerve to tackle the larger gash in his chest. Blood still leaked sluggishly from that one and he didn't look forward to peeling off his shirt to get at it. Who knew how many of the clothing's fibers were stuck in it, or even stuck in the dried blood. He kept his face averted from the dark-haired boy, still feeling the adrenaline surge. He finally took notice of the knife, still clutched in one hand, and guilty sheathed it again. The movement was so quick and familiar to the blonde, not even the Soldier could track it.

The blonde kept his eyes down and focused on the task at hand. He hadn't meant to draw the knife on Zack, but the older boy had startled him when he touched him. I hate being touched. He cast a quick glance at the Soldier, who was openly watching him. "Will you at least tell me what happened?"

"I was careless."

Zack felt a wave of fustration and helplessness sweep through him at the non-committal response. Two months he'd had to deal with this. At least three times a week, the blonde would stumble in, barely conscious and dripping blood. Always, the reply was the same, he had been careless. After staying just long enough to get patched-up, he'd leave for the bunkers. Not this time. "Spike, I can't deal with this anymore! Tell me what the fuck happened!"

Cloud winced, a fine shiver running through his frame. He mutely shook his head, feigning to be absorbed in pulling the last shreds of cloth out of his wounds. He heard the older boy repeat his demand and he froze. Why not tell him? Tell him I'm too weak and pathetic to ever belong here. I'm sure he'll just LOVE that! "I told you, I was just careless is all. Leave me alone." He pushed off from the counter, picking up the discarded uniform with a wince and heading towards the door. The door that Zack was currently standing in front of. "Move."

"No. I want some answers from you. I can't stand seeing you coming in here like this!" The Soldier ground his teeth together at the blank look in Cloud's eyes. "How about this, tell me if you got this in practice or outside of it. That's all I want to know for the moment."

Seconds dragged out as the blonde dropped his gaze to the floor and Zack had to clench his hands into fists to prevent himself from grabbing and shaking the other boy. "Outside." He blinked when Cloud at last answered him, raising eyes full of hurt, shame, and humiliation to meet his. "Now let me leave!"

He stalked up to the Soldier and shoved him aside with all his strength, Zack only moving because he was too stunned that Cloud had actually done something against him. Just wanting to get out of there soon as he could, the blonde didn't even look as he rushed out the door. And collided with someone on the other side. Instincts honed from years of being a scapegoat and bullied had the blonde scrambling backwards and out of reach, hand gripping his dagger's hilt. Blue eyes looked up to lock with jade green ones and his breath caught. The General! Way to go idiot, you just plowed into the most powerful man in the world! How much more pathetic can you be!

His eyes widened further and panic filled him as the white-haired man reached down, offering him a hand. "Seph! Where the hell have you been?" Cloud scrambled to his feet unaided as Zack bounced out the door to catch the General in a huge hug. "Shame on you, frightening recruits like that."



"Let go of me."

The boy pouted, but released his friend to bounce his way back inside. "Seph, this is Cloud. Cloud, this is Sephiroth, but I'm sure you know that. So where exactly did you go? Oh, he's fine." He waved at Cloud as Sephiroth cast him a suspicious look before sinking into the large couch occupying one wall of the livingroom.

The man toed off his boots, shrugging out of his heavy leather coat before answering. "Recon mission. Bastards had me run the entire perimeter of Wutai." He sighed and brushed a hand through his bangs. "Seems like they're right about something for once. Wutai looks like its chafing for a fight."

Zack nodded, moving to the fridge to yank out two bottles of beer. He paused, and grabbed a third, tossing one to Sephiroth and one to Cloud. "You look scared to death, Spike. Just don't tell anyone I let you have that." He flopped down onto the couch next to the General. "What can Shinra expect with all they've put those people through?"

Sephiroth rolled his eyes. "Try telling them that. And you know who gets to be the one to clean it up, don't you?"

Zack snapped his fingers. "Oh, I know the answer to this one! Ummm, I think they're names started with and S and a Z. Oh, damn! What where they're names again?"

Cloud watched the two, forgotten for the moment it seemed. He looked down to the bottle he held, and carefully placed it silently on the seperating counter. Then, stooping to pick up the uniform he had dropped, the blonde crept over to the door, pulling it open. "Spike!"

He jumped and whipped around. "Sir?"

"Are you heading for the bunkers?"

He nodded cautiously, wondering what Zack was getting at. "Good. Get your belongings and bring them back here. You can take the second bedroom for yours."

"But, sir..."

"Ah! Need help do you?" Zack asked, interrupting the recruit. "Come Seph, my new roommate needs a hand. Well, lead the way, Choco."

Cloud gaped at him, confused and bewildered. What the hell just happened! Wait, did he just say I could live here? No, its all a joke. No one's that nice. "Sir, I'm fin..."

"I told you not to call me 'sir', Spike. And don't worry, you don't need to thank me." He shoo'ed Cloud out the door, following him closely with Sephiroth trailing after with an amused half-grin.

He lengthened his stride until he was walking beside Zack. "Mind telling me what you're doing? Last time I checked you, and I quote, "like the freedom of being on your own without worrying about anybody seeing you walking around naked in your apartment." So why has that changed now?"

The smile was gone from the dark-haired Soldier as he padded after the blonde. "Did you see his injuries?" The taller man nodded. "Those aren't from practice. Someone, and I think I know who, is doing this to him. Several times a week. If I don't get him out of that bunker, he's gonning to get killed one day. And I won't let a friend keep getting hurt when I can do something to at least make it a bit more bearable. Until I can confirm who it is who's doing it to him at least." He let out a short bark of laughter, startling Cloud and drawing a glance from Sephiroth. "I really know how to choose friends don't I? I got the Unemotional Wonder for one and my other friend is too terrified of me to even talk to me half the time, much less help him."

Sephiroth casually placed one hand on his shoulder, then shoved him into a wall. "How do you think we feel, having to deal with you?"

Cloud listened to the two bickering behind him, unbelieving that the two highest-ranked men in all of Shinra could and would act like that. He said I was his friend. He mulled the thought over and over, searching for the joke, the insult that had to be hidden within it. No one, much less the second most important man in the world, would ever want him as a friend. I'm probably just some little amusement toy for him, a charity case that he in his kindness took care of. He stopped and turned around, the two men halting at the look of pure rage he was giving Zack. "You're lying!"

Zack blinked, stunned. "What?" He looked at Sephiroth for an answer, clearly confused. The silver-haired man shrugged, just as lost and looked at the seething blonde for an explanation.

He clenched his hands into fists. "Why can't you just, leave me alone! Stop pretending already!" He whirled around, striding down the corridor. He was stopped by a hand closing around his wrist. Without thinking, he lashed out.

A deathly silence fell as Cloud realized he had just hit a 1st-Class Soldier. He had just hit the General! Oh shit! I'm going to die! The man still held onto his wrist, his other hand lifting up to touch the spot on his jaw that Cloud had hit. Bahamut, it felt like hitting pure concrete! Damn it, that hurt! "You know...that's the first time anyone has EVER dared raise a hand against me since my years as a grunt." Sephiroth murmured speculatively. "You have a nice swing, but you should turn your knuckles down about another four degrees. You'll cause more damage that way and take less to yourself."

"I...I-I'm sorry sir!"

He released the boy, waving him off. "You can apologize by explaining what that little outburst was all about."

The blonde looked to the floor, embarrassed by that outburst, even as a whisper of the rage came back to him. "I can take care of myself, I don't need you to help me as some kind of charity case." To his shame, his vision started to fog up. He blinked away the tears of frustration quickly. "So stop pretending to be my friend. I don't need any."

Comprehension dawned on the darker-haired Soldier. "So that's why you didn't go home for the holidays last month. Dammit Spike, I'm not using you to further my image. I..." He shook his head, unable to think of a way to word his thoughts. "I'm not pretending."

"Che...whatever." Cloud muttered, backing up and slowly turning to continue walking towards the bunkers. He left the two, still standing in the hallway and Zack with a feeling of broken defeat. He turned the corner and bumped into another person for the second time that day. Today is NOT my day. Ah fuck!

"Well, hey there pretty boy. You know, me and the boys were just looking for you. We have to pay you back for the way you took out Jared's eye last time." Hirro smirked, two of his friends already circled behind the blonde. "Find the knife, I don't want him gutting one of us this time. I want to be able to take my time this time. Let's see how many shades his pretty skin can turn."

"Hirro, I can hear voices. Really close." One of the others said, going to peer around the corner. "Holy shit! Its the General and Zack! They're coming this way, what do you wanna do?"

The red-head frowned, not liking the turn of events. "You got lucky today. Let's go." He shoved the blonde, one of the others tripping him as he stumbled back, before departing.

He groaned softly as the back of his head slammed into the tile and the breath was knocked out of him. Bastards. He opened his eyes, rubbing the back of his head. Zack and Sephiroth were there, staring down at him. Just great. This is not what I need. He pushed himself to his feet, staggering as a wave of dizziness swept through him. Zack grabbed him by the arms, keeping him upright. "Cloud? You alright?" Oh, we're on name-basis now.

"I'm fine. I just tripped." He stepped back, the Soldier releasing him as he did so. The moment the support from the other boy was gone, the vertigo swept back in along with a deep exhaustion and he found himself stumbling into the dark-haired Soldier.

"Like hell you did." Zack growled, instinctively grabbing Cloud around the waist to keep him upright. "Seph, go get those bastards would you? I'm taking him back."

The General gave a quick nod, moving off stealthily after the group of boys he could still hear. Pity they forgot that Soldiers have enhanced hearing. A feral smile twisted his lips, remembering every word they had said. He glanced back once, just before he rounded a corner, to see Zack supporting the blonde with one arm around his waist and the blonde's arm over his shoulders. Then he was off again, tracking the sound of the boys from the tiny echoes he could detect.

"Come on, Spike. Don't make me carry you." It'd be easier if I did just that. He thought as the blonde tried to one again, unsuccessfully, to pull away to walk on his own. "Just this once, I'm asking you to accept my help. Please." He sighed in relief when Cloud finally stopped struggling and just limped his way along with him. He could feel the barely controlled tension though in the smaller man's muscles, wound up to within a moment of snapping. Dear gods! If I do anything the least bit wrong, he's ready to bolt. Not caring that he's too injured at the moment to walk on his own, he'll make a run for it.

The two found their way back to the Soldier's apartment, the older boy leaning Cloud up against the wall as he unlocked the door. He slung the recruit's arm over his shoulders again, helping him inside and to the couch. "You want anything?" The blonde murmured something, shaking his head no before stretching out on the worn couch.

"M'fine, y'know."

"Yeah, I know. But humor me. Damn! I know I had a Cure around here somewhere. Spike?" He looked over to see the his eyes had closed. "Hey, Spike! You doing alright?"

The eyelids cracked open, a sliver of blue appearing. "Fine. Tired is all. Haven't slept..."

Items were yanked out of drawers, several little orbs flying through the air as he discovered they weren't the materia he was looking for. "Come on, Spike. Stay awake a little longer. Just until I find a Cure. I can't risk you falling asleep on me with a concussion. You still with me over there?" The man whipped around when no comment came back to him, quickly dashing over to the blonde as the smaller boy's even, rhythmic breathing told how close to sleep he was. "Spike! Cloud!" He shook him lightly, grimacing when it evoked no response. "Shit. Sorry, Choco."

Cloud's eyes flew open at the sharp pain in his cheek, staring at Zack in bewilderment. "You...y'slapped me..."

"Yeah, sorry about that. But I need you to stay awake until..." Zack paused, remembering seeing the materia in his..., "That's right!" He rushed out of the livingroom and into his bedroom, tearing open the door to his closet. He ripped through the clothes, searching the pockets of his shirts until he found the green orb. "Ha! I forgot, I used this on Seph last week."

He sprinted back to the livingroom, dropping to his knees beside Cloud, who wearily turned his attention from jabbing the cut in his chest to keep him awake, to the grey-eyed gaze of the Soldier. "Wha?"

The dark-haired boy quickly activated the small gem, watching as a green mist enveloped the blonde briefly, taking away both cuts and leaving behind only faint scars. Zack quickly ran a hand over the back of Cloud's head. "Does it hurt still?" He waited till Cloud shook his head no, before standing. "Get some sleep, kid."

"Not a kid." Cloud argued, already curling up slightly and slipping into sleep.

Zack chuckled softly, shaking his head in amazement. He's so damned stubborn! He went to grab a blanket from his room, spreading it across the sleeping recruit. Gods, he's exhausted. Looks like he hasn't had a decent night's sleep in weeks. The door opened pulling his attention away from the sleeping blonde and to Sephiroth who slipped in. He raised an inquiring eyebrow at the man, who nodded to him with the same smile that had caused one of th ebullies to faint right on the spot not moments earlier. "Can you watch him? I need to leave for a few minutes." Zack asked, grabbing his uniform overjacket.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bunker. I'm not going to let him stay in there, especially after seeing this." He picked up his buster sword, slinging it into its sheath along his back. "I won't be long. Try not to scare him if he wakes up."


He was warm and comfortable. Am I back home? He tried to pry his eyes open, but it felt so good to just lay there in the warmth and softness of a real mattress. He rolled over onto his side, snuggling further into the blankets. Wait. Something's wrong with this. He cracked open his eyes slightly, staring at the black sheets and the heavy black and silver comforter he lay under. These are definately not mine, at the bunker nor at home. A soft snoring reached him, and he looked to where Zack had fallen asleep in a chair at the other end of the room. Zack?

Groggily, he sat up, shoving the blanket off him. Why am I only in boxers? He looked around the room, finding his pants and what looked like a new shirt on the table beside the bed. He quickly slipped into them, noting immediately that the shirt was at least two-sizes too large and smelled like...It smells like Zack's cologne junk he wears. Must be his. Fully-clothed, the blonde took a better look around the room, surprised to find his pack and other belongings along the wall next to the door.

"You're awake."

Cloud looked over his shoulder from where he had dropped into a crouch to rummage through his pack. Zack rubbed his eyes, groaning as he stretched, muscles stiff and aching from sleeping in so unnatural a position. He stood up, giving an exaggerated wince as he stepped forward.


"Hm? Oh, because I decided I was lonely living alone and I wanted a cute roommate who looks good in my clothes. Even when they're a bit too big." Cloud felt the heat rising to his cheeks and he spluttered obscenities, causing Zack to break out in laughter. "I'm just kidding, Spike." He ruffled the blonde spikes, only to have Coud jerk away and out of reach.

"Don't do that." He growled, running a hand through his unruly hair. Why must you keep touching me!

"Oh, come on now, Spike! We're not going back to that are we? I've already seen you in only boxers. You were fine, for the most part, with me helping you two days ago."

"Two days!"

"Yup. Had me worried for a brief moment. Say, do you like pancakes? Well, you better because they're about the only thing I can cook that comes out edible." The darker-haired boy swept out of the room, chattering non-stop as he went to the kitchen. "Oh, I got you a weeks worth of leave from your officer. By the way, you're no longer a recruit. You and your class are now privates. Hmm, I wonder if you'll get the same officer as me. Wouldn't that be something! Oh, do you like anything in yours?"

Cloud mutely shook his head, tentatively taking a seat at the table/counter. "Is it...really okay?"


"You don't mind me being here?"

Zack peeked around the door of the cabinet he had been searching through, giving the blonde a dazzling smile. "Hell, I should be asking YOU if you minded being kidnapped and forced to move in here with me. Oh, grab the door real fast would you? Seph's on the other side and he's too proud to knock."

"I am not too proud." Sephiroth muttered, entering once Cloud got the door. "Since when do you put Wall spells on your doors?"

"Since I didn't want to hear one more freckle-faced aide come up to me saying I was needed in some 'important' mission. Hungry?"

Sephiroth lifted one eyebrow. "You're cooking? Are you trying to kill yourself? And this poor kid here."

Cloud scowled from across the room. "I'm not a kid."

"Can you cook?"

The blonde stared at the General, caught off-guard. "Ummm, yeah."

"Can you cook good?"


A sigh of relief from the silver-haired man. "I swear, if I had to live through one more of Zack's attempts at making something that wasn't lethal in the kitchen, I'd kill him myself." He ducked the spatula that came whizzing through the air, aimed for his head. "You have to be faster then that, Zack. Ow!" He picked up the plastic plate that had caught him in the chest.

"What was that you were saying, Seph?" Zack tossed him a grin as he finished mixing the batter and began to pour it into the prepped frying pan. "okay, lemme know when you smell something burning, ok? Then I know its time to flip them."

Sephiroth looked over at the blonde, who had quietly taken a seat on the far end of the livingroom. "Please tell me you'll be cooking from now on."

To be continue ....
Final Fantasy VII (Zack x Cloud) fan-fiction by

Disclaimer: I do not in any way at all claim ownership of the characters, plots, or settings of FF7. They are Square Enix's. I do own any and all creatures/people/places/etc that are here-with created by me. Meaning, in other words, MINE!
© 2005 - 2024 ZackxCloud
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Knightviper1's avatar
Pancakes are still non-lethal :3 poor zack x3